Sunday, July 15, 2007

Health Benefit Of Drinking Water

Water - a source of life

Long time ago people noticed that water stimulates bloodstream,
ameliorates breathing, assuages the nerves, quickens chemical
reactions of organism which are necessary for fortifying
immunity. Water activates potency of organism to make head
against illness. People repeating various exercises in the water
suspend obsolescence, maintain natural beauty, and heighten
resistance for environmental impact. Water cures some diseases
and indulges. Aquatic procedures strike an emotional and outer
balance. Contrastic shower gives energy and pep in the morning,
and warm bath infuses sweet laziness. Water is a present of the
nature, natural curative. It gives possibility to use its
wonderful might.

Water is one of the most important formation of nature. It
sustains life in our planet. Life exists just there, where is
water. People like drinking water, relish cup of tea or coffee.
They swim in a lake, sea or pool, walk when it rains.

Water is a combination of hydrogen and oxygen (H2O). What
importance for human organism has this simple molecule,
consisted of three atoms? A person can live about 40 days
without food, and no more than 5 days without water.

Mostly people use water for tea, coffee or carbonated water.
Hollanders and Britons prefer tap water, Italians and the French
prefer mineral water. Stock of water of person's organism
depends on age, sex and stock of sebum. Newborns have 75-80%,
and the elderly has about 46% of water. Not pursy adults have
about 60% of water. It depends on the stock of sebum.

Water has hold on human organism's all vital processes.
Plurality of reactions of metabolism proceeds with the help of
water. These reactions maintain a continuous process of
dissociation of animate tissues and regeneration. Almost all
chemical, physiological and colloidal processes proceed in water
solutions or together with water.

Digestive process and processes of reclamation of food proceed
in liquid aquatic surroundings of the intestine and stomach, and
synthesis of living matter proceeds in cells. Toxic waste or
products of metabolism are excreted together with water. When
organism doesn't excrete it in time, diseases set in and a
person can die.

king_water.html">Health benefit of drinking water

A flesh can lose to 2 litres of water every day - major part is
missed using wrong alimentary products, also perspiring, and
breathing. When we take exercises we can lose to 2 litres of
water per 40 minutes. Organism can't stand lack of water. A
person begins to feel thirst when he or she misses 1 - 1,5
litres of water. When a person loses 6 - 8% of his/ her mass due
to water deficiency, metabolism snarls up in the organism,
processes of oxidation slow down, viscosity of blood expands,
temperature mounts up, pulse rate is more frequent, skin
crimsons, muscles and a flesh wimp, the head swims and aches.
After loss of 10% of water irreversible pathological appearances
start up: skin cracks, eyeballs sink, eyesight falls into
disarray, convulsions start in the throat, anuria develops (the
complete suppression of unitary secretion by the kidneys), brain
atrophies. A person dies when he/she loses 21% of water. It is
more dangerous to be without water than without food: a person
can live without meal to 40 days, and a person will die without
drinking on the 8th day. A human doesn't obviate some morbid
phenomenons drinking too much water because symptoms of
intoxication starts, body temperature drops, spittle streams, it
nauseates, coordination of movements falls into disarray,
convulsion starts, muscles slouch, the head aches. Nature gave a
person "a thermostat" - attribute of regulation of internal
heat. Normal body temperature ranges between 36,6--37 °C. A
little deviancy from this norm evidences of trouble, disarray of
a normal function of one or other internal organ. Scientists
haven't found yet the secret of regulation of internal heat.
Such regulation wasn't possible without stream of blood. But
blood is water primarily. Then we can look at it differently.
The root is, that water (blood) manages to imbibe (and
reinstates pro rata) heat in so far as any other liquid couldn't
do it. Water is the best carrier of heat in the nature. Water
helps much to hold the fixed body temperature (it means water is
a good regulator of heat). When ambient temperature drops, heat
concentrates due to processes of oxidation in the water and
prevents the nip of the body. When ambient temperature mounts
up, blood, flowing into the skin, increments vicissitude of
warmth and perspiration. Sweat consigns the heat through the
skin to environment and saves an organism from overheat. So
drinking water for health is very useful.

Benefit of drinking lots of water

A person's organism releases endogenic (it is inside) water by
itself when it processes food. This kind of water ,,originates"
in tissues of organism constantly. Mostly all animals and plants
use that water which is produced by themselfs.

And you can hold your aquatic balance drinking more water and be
sure that you will become stronger. Don't wait till you will be
thirsty, but drink regularly during the day. Simple water is the
best drink. You shouldn't class stimulants, also tea and coffee
with consuming liquids, because they are diuretics - apropos of
them we merely lose more water. Soft drinks may have lots of
sugar and other supplements. Even fruity juices contain natural
sugar that's why people shouldn't use it too much.

When it is very sweaty, people have to drink more - some of
professionals recommend drinking by one big glass of water per
hour. Also every person spending a lot of time at the sauna, in
the heated environment or room with air-conditioner should
supply a lost humidity drinking lots of water.

A grown-up needs 2 - 2,5 litres drinkable water every day.
Organism needs 4 - 5 times more of water for normal working - it
means 9 - 10 litres of water have to be in the organism.

There are some groups of people who have to drink more water.
This is pregnant women and nursing mothers, febrile patients,
all people who take exercises, are on diet, are ill, have

7 water rules Drink at least by 8 glasses (250 ml) of
water per day. Don't wait while thirstiness begins to prey.
Drink lots of water and drink it often. The best way to do it -
always have a bottle of water with you: on the table, in train,
in car or in the beach. Water can't be substituted for coffee,
black tea or cold tankard. Coffee and alcohol can even cause
dehydration. Drink lots of water working, before and after an
activity. Make orderly aquatic stops! Begin and finish a day
with a glass of water as while you sleep your body also loses
some water. Cold viruses dehydrate your organism therefore the
infirm should have some water next their beds. When it is hot
outside cold water will
help holding liquid equilibrium. Cold water is assimilated
faster than warm water in the organism therefore cold water is
able to refresh so good.

About the author:
Health, Diet, Fitness and
Natural Beauty


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